Modified 8 October 2002
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critical ceramics


Critical Ceramics is a tax exempt 501 (c) (3) charitable arts education organization which serves as an international catalyst for contemporary ceramic art, artists, patrons, and the general public by producing a web site of timely articles, dynamic discussions, and informative reviews. Themes include creativity, aesthetics, contemporary art, culture, exhibitions, artistic movements, art criticism, and individual artists.


Overall Policy

It is the policy of Critical Ceramics (the "Organization") to maintain a working environment free of all forms of unlawful discrimination. In recognition of the importance of good employee relations, all applicants are extended an equal opportunity to gain employment and all employees are extended an equal opportunity to progress in their field of endeavor.

Equal Opportunity

The Organization affords equal opportunity to all employees and prospective employees without regard to race, color, sex, religion, age, marital status, disability, veteran status or national origin in the following employment practices: recruitment, hiring, placement, transfer, promotion, demotion, selection for training, layoff, termination, determination of service, rate of pay, benefit plans, compensation, and other personnel actions.


The Organization will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of disability in regard to any position for which the employee or applicant for employment is qualified.

Complaint Procedure

Any individual, whether an employee or applicant for employment who believes that he or she has been discriminated against unlawfully should bring any complaint to Forrest Snyder (; Critical Ceramics, c/o Forrest Snyder, Bennington College, Route 67A, Bennington, Vermont, 05201; 802-440-4556) or any member of the Board of Directors. Complaints may be lodged in writing or in person. Persons who file complaints will be advised, as is appropriate, regarding any investigation, action or resolution of the problem.


The Organization will not tolerate any form of discrimination and will take appropriate disciplinary action, including possibly termination, of any person determined to have engaged in unlawful conduct under this policy.

No Retaliation

The Organization will not retaliate nor discriminate against any employee or applicant because he or she has opposed any unlawful employment practice or filed a charge of employment discrimination, testified, assisted, or participated in any manner in an investigation, proceeding, or hearing related to employment practices.


This entire site is copyrighted 1998 - 2002 by the nonprofit educational corporation Critical Ceramics.

The really important thing that you've got to understand is that the copyrights of all works (written, visual, auditory, digital, or otherwise) appearing in Critical Ceramics belong to their respective authors and/or artists. Without them, none of this would be possible. Please respect these hard working folks and contact them before ripping off their ideas.

© 2002 Critical Ceramics.
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