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Modified 11 April 2008
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Critique Index

ceramic critique

Critique Submission Guidelines

Critiques are a very important learning tool for individuals and also serve to build and enhance community. By bringing critiques online, and world-wide, Critical Ceramics hopes to widen the traditional face-to-face experience by including those who might not be able to otherwise participate or meet.

The work featured will be chosen by Forrest Snyder, Editor, and Kate Maury, Moderator. Lest you forget, the whole point of this exercise is to have fun learning to look at, and constructively comment on, ceramic artwork. You may submit any type of work—from functional pottery to tiles to figurative sculpture and everything in-between—at any state of completion. From time to time, specific theme based critiques will be held which will feature multiple artists. Critiques will run for approximately one week. If you have questions or comments, please contact us at crits@criticalceramics.org.

  1. All submissions must be by email.
  2. Submit 6 to 12 images (all images may not be used).
  3. All images must be in JPEG (.jpg) format.
  4. All images must be less than 50k, cropped to 325 x 325 pixels, if possible.
  5. Identify each image with date, clay type, fired temperature, and other important information.
  6. Include an artist's statement and/or brief biography.
  7. Include at least two means of contact, one of which must be email.
  8. Email all submissions to crits@criticalceramics.org.

Thank you!

pottery: Critiques Moderator

Critique Moderator

ceramic critique
pottery: Critique

The Weekly Critique

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