Modified 25 March 2002
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critical ceramics


This is our fourth year of publishing words of critical inquiry for ceramic artists. Critical Ceramics is proud to have published works that would not necessarily have had an opportunity elsewhere. I invite you to see where we've been by exploring Critical Ceramics today and to keep coming back to see where we're going.

The Critical Ceramics web site receives over two hundred and fifty visitors each day from countries ranging from Afghanistan to Qatar. Indeed, non-U.S. readers account for approximately 20% of all visitors. Areas on Critical Ceramics include articles (ARTicles), reviews (re:VIEWS), current events (seen), and online discussions (Hear/Say).

Writers, artists and critics are needed to contribute. Articles exploring unique views, new topics, different cultures, and contemporary artists are of particular interest. Furthermore, we encourage submissions of reviews of notable ceramic exhibitions from around the globe.

Additional information on writing and reviewing for Critical Ceramics can be found on our writing page. Each published writer is given the opportunity to display four images and a brief biography in the contributors' gallery.

Critical Ceramics is always looking for corporate or individual sponsors to help us further our mission. If you would like to have additional information about sponsorship, or just have a comment, please email the editor. Your input is critical.

Finally, Critical Ceramics has a clear Mission as well as Non-Discrimination Policy. Further, Critical Ceramics strives to acknowledge its contributors, artists and writers alike, and strives to protect their hard work to the best of our ability.


Forrest Snyder, Editor

Critical Ceramics
c/o Forrest Snyder
Bennington College
Route 67A
Bennington    VT    05201

© 1999 - 2002 Critical Ceramics.
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